Problem with Green Always On

I’ve bought a blinstick PRO and LED adapter board.
I am using blinkstick 2.0 rc9 software and setting it to run inverse.

The problem I have is GREEN channel is permanately on.
If I click ALL OFF the LEDS go a dim green. IF I click the GREEN colour the LED strip goes bright green. Click RED and it goes a sort of deep orange. Black doesnt work, white works, the other colours all sort of work .

any ideas whats wrong?

Can you swap red and green wires which connect the LED adapter to the LED strip and let me know which of the colors stays on?

Right Swapped red and green around and all colours stay on they have just gotten a whole lot weirder. In summary:
When I click all off, sort of organgey red colour stays on

Click green get a sort of deep orange/red colour
Yellow is yellowish
Red is a sort of very light green
The purples are more blue than purples

Will need to do a few more tests, but before we do that can you send the picture of your LED strip?


Ok, can you disconnect all wires. Then plug in white into VCC and blue into R. Keep the other two disconnected. When you plug everything back into the computer and power make sure that you set all off. Can you tell me the blue is on?

Hi, i have set the white ( actually grey) cable into vcc, blue into the R. I run the software set to inverse. I press the ALL OFF button but the blue LED’s remain on

Do you have all the power unplugged and USB disconnected when swapping the cables?

yes! I completely disconnected everything before I swapped over all the cabling

Have you tried the other LED adapter bundle?

Hi , what other LED adapter bundle?

I can see that you order two bundles?

Ahh sorry, yes, tried both, they are identical.

Hi, I’ve just tried the other board and this one seems to be doing different things. Now, when I select ALL OFF all the led’s do go off! . Also, when I select RED the blue lights turn on ( remember I have the Blue wire in R)!

Can you plug everything in the other board and do a quick test to make sure it is working?

Hi , okay
using the 2nd board. If I plug Red into R and grey into VCC then I can turn on and off the RED LED’s. All OFF correctly turns the LEDs off.
If I then plug all RGB leads in the LED’s are immediately all green and the colours aren’t working properly. Also, all OFF doesnt turn the leds off, I still get all green leds on

I think that your LED strip is broken. Can you do one more test on the new board:

  • Do everything on the B channel of the LED adapter board
  • Unplug everything except VCC and BLUE
  • In the client application do All Off and tell me the color
  • In the client application turn on blue and tell me the color
  • Remove BLUE wire and plug in GREEN wire
  • In the client application do All Off and tell me the color
  • In the client application turn on blue and tell me the color
  • Remove GREEN wire and plug in BLUE wire
  • In the client application do All Off and tell me the color
  • In the client application turn on blue and tell me the color

Remember to have power and USB unplugged when swapping wires :smiley:

Hi Okay, couple of questions. How do I do everything through the B channel?

Also, when you say remove blue and plug in green, I presume you mean plug green into the G port?

Will try all of the above once I hear

Can I give you a call on the number you provided ending with 124 in the order? Might be easier to explain :smile:

yes, go to accounts and I’ll sit by the phone !