First Steps on RaspPi: No Blinkstick Found

I’ve some problems getting started with blinkstick pro on raspPi and python.

sudo apt-get install python-pip

and a restart I tried to start the Display analogue clock on 16 LED ring example.
Program exits with “no blinksticks found”.
The Blinkstick and LED connection is ok, because it runs under windows and .NET without problems.
Blinkstick has been set to Mode 2 during the .NET tests already.
When connecting blinkstick pro to the RaspPi USB Hub, the first LED flashes one time, as it should do.

What’s missing?

2nd question: I’m not really familiar to linux, so how to use the runtime commands?

blinkstick --help

results in: command not found

Thank you in advance for your Help

Hey @eibei_eikauf,

  1. I´m not familar to raspberry, but have you seen the information here:

  2. It should be blinkstick --info

@eibei_eikauf you need some extra steps to install BlinkStick on Raspberry Pi. Python-pip package is just the start.

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Follow these additional steps to install BlinkStick Python library on Raspberry Pi:

sudo pip install pyusb==1.0.0b1
sudo pip install blinkstick

Test if BlinkStick is detected by running the following command:

sudo blinkstick --info

FInally, in order not to have to use sudo for every blinkstick command, run this command and reboot the Pi:

sudo blinkstick --add-udev-rule

After you reboot the Pi, you can use blinkstick command without sudo.

Full list of command line options are available by running this command:

blinkstick --info

And finally, if you would like to start a bit of Python programming with BlinkStick, this should get you started:

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Hi arvydas,

thanks for your instructions, it works. Nice!

Other question:
The example
results in an error if I start it like

sudo python3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 6, in
from blinkstick import blinkstick
ImportError: No module named blinkstick

sudo python

Is there an issue with python3?

Happy to hear it works for you! :smiley:

You need to install pip for Python 3 and from that pip you can install BlinkStick module. Pip is somewhat bound to one version of Python and installs packages for that version of Python only. So your default pip is for Python 2 and that’s why Python 3 complains that it can’t find blinkstick package. One way I got it to work with Python 2 and Python 3 on the same computer is by using virtualenv. These links may be useful for you:

LMK if you need anything else.