Coming soon: BlinkStick Pro LED adapter

This board is designed to directly connect BlinkStick Pro and basic common anode RGB LED strips. The LED adapter boards are rated 50A on 40V so they should be more than sufficient for general usage.

Each board is pre-assembled and comes with the following features:

  • Standard 2.1 mm power socket rated for 4A
  • Screw terminals for easy connection of the LED strip
  • Inter connect terminal to BlinkStick Pro

Release date: December 1st 2014


Hi arvydas,

is it possible to connect a 12V analog RGB LED stripe to it which needs 5A?
I would like to get it as soon as possible, maybe you have a prototype or something like a pre-version for sale?

Thanks in advance for your reply :smile:

Peter Michel

Hi Peter,

It’s designed specifically to connect analog 12V RGB LED strip! However the LED strip has to be common anode, but that’s the most common LED strip available to purchase. It usually has +12V, R, G and B connectors.

I recently received the new production batch. I sold out the previous batch without even adding them to the shop! :smiley: They are ready to dispatch, though they are not yet available in the shop. How many do you need and do you need BlinkStick Pro together with the LED adapters?

Edit: MOSFETs are designed for 40A and the power connector is designed for 5A so it should perfectly suit your application.

Hi arvydas,

I have already bought the BlinkStick Pro.
I just need one LED Adapter.

Peter Michel

Sending a PM in a bit!

Any plans to sell bundles of (assembled) BlinkStick Pro, LED adapter and some RGB strips, rings, etc?

If so, I’m interested!

Tip: BlinkStick Pro + LED adapter on a single PCB with micro USB connecter.

Nice improvement for the Blinkstick Pro.
Great job Arvy ! :smiley:

@mischa yes, I do have plans :slight_smile: Will keep you posted!