BlinkStick Strip Flash Firmware

Hi everyboy,

is it possible to flash the blinkstick strip with a specific “firmeware”?
Like when the strip get power -> all leds start to blink?
Until the strip become new commands.

Keep the strip this behavoir?

And exist a tutorial to compile this firmware?

Thx for your help!!!


more informations about how to compile firmware, updated firmwars etc. are in the works. But there is no date of a release yet.
Please take a look at this post where your question already has been discussed:

I have some more “basic” questions for my Blinkstick Strip because the chip is soldered on the circuit board.

  1. It is not possible to flash the firmware over USB or only over a AVR programmer like (Tiny-AVR) OR (Arduino)
    2.I read on the other thread about this github repo (GitHub). Is this compatible with all Blinksticks.