Welcome to BlinkStick Forums

Welcome to BlinkStick Forums, the official site for discussing everything related to BlinkStick LED controllers.

Accessing forums

You will need an account with BlinkStick.com in order to access the forums. Click on “Log In” button at the top right corner of the page and you will be redirected to login or registration page.

What will I find here?

We are moving everything to this forums system and soon you will find all updates, news, tutorials and general discussions related to BlinkSticks in one handy place.

Useful resources

A lot of useful information is still available in the BlinkStick help section on the official website.

Before posting on forum, please…

  • Check out the TOP page the to see the most discussed topics in the last year / month / week.
  • Visit the CATEGORIES page page to get a broad overview of what’s going on here.
  • Please search before opening a new topic, as someone might have already created the topic.


If you have any suggestions for the forum, please post them in the Meta category.