Selling my own 'Blinkstick' based product - Please help

Selling my own ‘Blinkstick’ based product - Is this legal or would i require permission. I believe the design is open source and so is the source code etc… Is this true? I will be designing my own PCB around the original. Can anyone help me? I would of course put a disclaimer in the software saying ’ based on Blinkstick’.

Hey You,

I also planned to start with some kind of a BlinkStick product, but then I asked myself: Why reinventing the wheel?!? BlinkStick is already a superb product with experience of years you can never catch up.
I started a look around and there are already alot devices like that (if you not satisfied with BlinkStick, what hardly can be :-D). Take a look at the introduction page of my blog, there are a lot devices I discovered.
About NotifierLight

You need to know much about electronics, USB devices and programming. Before you can publish it you need to think about what USB PID/VID you gonna use.

I don´t want to prevent you from starting your own project, it is just a thought :smile:
I think Arvy is willing to give you some good advice.

In no way am i reinventing the wheel and although there are products out there: I can produce this at a fraction of the cost. The closest product to what im building retails for around £50 so i will be able to produce and sell at a fraction of this. Electronics are my ‘bag’ so no worries there. I just wanted it based around somthing like blinkstick so it can be ‘hacked’. Programming on the other hand…not so much - but have now produced the program with a little help from you guys and a programmer. Im now prototyped and just need to improve the code and design.

I remember the post above. Maybe sharing knowledge with this guy could be the right way.

Good luck for your project!