I manually installed the blinkstick library (resolving a previous support thread I posted).
In doing so, I took the time to dissect to understand the classes blinkstick and BlinkStickPro.
I have a blinkstick square.
I cannot determine the purpose of channel 0 (red) 1 (green) and 2 (blue). I am able to use the BlinkStickPro class methods for individual pixels within each of the 8 LEDs on the square, but only for channel 0 (red). When I use channel zero, I can control each of the R G B pixels within each of the 8 LEDs with no problem…however, when I use channel 1 or 2, I get no response at all for anything.
Can you provide an explanation of the purpose of the channel and possibly a python example demonstrating the purpose with channel 0, 1, 2 and 8 LEDs on the square and the r g and b on each of the 8 LEDs.
Thank You