Purpose of Channel 0, 1, 2

I manually installed the blinkstick library (resolving a previous support thread I posted).

In doing so, I took the time to dissect to understand the classes blinkstick and BlinkStickPro.

I have a blinkstick square.

I cannot determine the purpose of channel 0 (red) 1 (green) and 2 (blue). I am able to use the BlinkStickPro class methods for individual pixels within each of the 8 LEDs on the square, but only for channel 0 (red). When I use channel zero, I can control each of the R G B pixels within each of the 8 LEDs with no problem…however, when I use channel 1 or 2, I get no response at all for anything.

Can you provide an explanation of the purpose of the channel and possibly a python example demonstrating the purpose with channel 0, 1, 2 and 8 LEDs on the square and the r g and b on each of the 8 LEDs.

Thank You

They are for standard rgb leds,without the ws2812b chip inside.you need a blinkstick pro to use those channels,your square will only control the leds on one channel,wich is channel 0.Your blinkstick square wont have the 1 and 2 channels broken out to pins/leds so you cant use those channels.If you look at the blinkstick pro you will se all pins broken out,gnd vcc and 0 1 2 channels,Hop this helps.

Yes…awesome…that makes sense…I noticed in the data structure the way the data was oriented…I like the Pro method to turn all LEDs on and off at the same time…I also am building other methods for breathe…strobe…flash…and pulse…with finer control over the timing…I am glad that I was able to use and integrate the original serial communications code, as I have to use this within a multiprocess process, which has problems with calls to the console (e.g., sudo blinkstick etc) and there are timing issues using a daemon…thanks again for the quick verification and response…