Powering 12v LED Strip

I want to power a strip of 12v LEDs with my BlinkStick Pro.

The LEDs won’t light up with just the 5v power supply from the BlinkStick so I was wondering whether I could not use the +5v pin on my BlinkStick and use the +12v pin from the LED controller instead without blowing up my laptop.

If I were to just use 12v instead of 5, would there be any danger to my laptop? If so, is there a circuit that I could use to still power the lights but not have the power feed back?

You can’t connect anything driven by 12V to BlinkStick Pro without MOSFETs. I have an LED adapter board ready, will let you know when it’s available to purchase.

When will this adapter board be aviable?

I remembered this simple SparkFun MOSFET Power board:

Could this be an alternative until your board is ready to purchase?

Just an idea, cause you seem to be very busy at the moment :slight_smile:

Ive read trough the forum and it seems like he has already send this adapter out to some people but now he is not responding. I just sit here with my 12v led strip and a useless blinkstick :frowning:

Hey Trojan,

please be patient, you know that everybody has a real live beyond such a project. Arvy will respond! He helped me a lot and he is absolutely willing to help! Please stay tuned.

I hope he responses in under a year or so…

Sorry, don´t know whats going on at the moment :frowning:

@trojan9418 I have a few boards available, not enough yet to add it in the shop. Please contact me directly by sending a private message or email to info@blinkstick.com and I’ll see what I can do.