One Blinkstick Pro for two Set´s of IKEA Dioder?

Is it possible to connect one Blinkstick Pro with two sets of IKEA Dioder?
I need seven LED Bars, to light my Case and Tripple-Monitor System.

I haven´t tested it but theoretically it should be possible. Behind the resistors delivered with BlinkStick connect both DIODER controller like shown in the tutorial for a single DIODER. The signal should be strong enough. But in the end you have to test it :wink:

@nemesis_m_1988 yes it’s possible, but only on the older version of DIODER, not the new board. The old version had very high power MOSFETS which could potentially drive all of your bars.

I can confirm that it works with 6 pieces of the dioder stuff on the old board.

The only thing what would be interesting now i to do a more sophisticated ambilight with 2 Dioders, 2 controllers for having different colors on left and right probably. :smile: