Music Reacting Lightup?

Is there any way for an script that reacts on the audio of spotify or windows media player that maybe analyze the audio file for the beats per minute and blink in this speed or something like that ?

Not yet. What is the operating system or programming language you would like to have this running on?

That’s actually a very cool idea. I might add this to the client application I’m finishing for new release now.

Got the same idea a few days ago. I’m using NAudio to get the current audio output level and “display” the level on my BlinkStrip. Here’s how to get the output level in C#:

using NAudio.CoreAudioApi;

MMDeviceEnumerator devEnum = new MMDeviceEnumerator();
defaultDevice = devEnum.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Multimedia);
float SoundLevel = defaultDevice.AudioMeterInformation.MasterPeakValue;

SoundLevel will be between 0 and 1. Perfect for use as the Lightness in HSLColor.

I was thinking of using something like FFT to display spectrum analyzer on Strip or Square.

Spectrum Analyzer on multiple Strips was my first thought, but after looking at some examples I switched to just the output volume level. A bit too complex for my level of C# skills, I’ll just have a look at your code when (if) you have implemented it. :wink:

i’m very interested in this. is it still being considered for the windows client?

like, for instance; assign an individual led to a frequency range(hz) - including color.
and once said frequency has been detected within the audio, it triggers the led.
allso if it could analyse the intensity of the frequency as well, that could dictate the brightness.

that would be amazing in anything from jukeboxes to arcadecabs :slight_smile: