Thank you Arvy for a great idea and product!
I ordered a blinkstick pro to use with an ikea dioder. I forgot to hook it up to ground and didnt notice for a couple of hours. With no connection to ground it behaved a little strange, where it only displayed brightly when the colors on the screen were very dominant and it was kinda flickering dimly the rest of the time (which really isn’t weird considering it had no reference to ground). I then soldered a connection to ground. The light intensity increased noticeably, but the colors are now less accurate than with no ground (ex. green is still in the “green category”, but i can tell something’s not right!)
Do you think I may have shorted something? I was fiddeling with the ground cable while the blinkstick/dioder was up and running… probably not the best idea. I tried disconnecting the ground again to see if it would work the same as in the beginning, and it did.