Custom board with Apa104 support

Hi guys, i have tried an custom board with attiny85 and four APA104 LEDs, strangely when plugged all the blue leds lights on, i have tried windows client and python api without success , if i execute the “blinkstick random” sometimes the status of the leds change but not in an controllable way.

i have tested the same board with FASTLED avr library and works as expected
i think that the APA104 maybe looks similar to WS2812B and others but seems that need a different timming of something.

any ideas about my problem are apreciated

Firmware does not support APA104 LEDs yet.

APA104 have based blue color ,which will light on start ,but the time is very short ,if you don’t pay attention , you will not see that ,this is different from WS2812B WS2813 LED strip