BS Pro with Breadboard to control more than one strip

I want to know if I can control more than one LED strip with bs pro before buying it. Also I would be relieved if you can show me an example with Python.

There is a tutorial which describes how to connect BlinkStick Pro to individually controllable LED strips. If you want to connect to basic single color LED strip, then there is LED adapter board for BlinkStick Pro.

There is also Python example for individually addressable LED strips. It shows how to control LED strip on R channel, but to send data to any other channel you just replace the first parameter of set_color function by either 1 or 2.

Thanks for your response. I’m not really familiar with leds, channels etc but I know how to connect leds and blinkstick to breadboard. You said change to 0 or 1 is that mean I can only connect two strips? What could be my channels for 5 led strips?

Best Regards

I think it would be easier if you could provide me with a bit more info :smiley:

  1. How many LEDs per each LED strip do you want to control?
  2. Do LEDs have to light up with the same color on the whole strip or do you need to individually control each LED on each strip?

1a. LED shouldn’t be more than 30 each strip. Just to be sure what is the limit?

2a. In our project we use lights to indicate a process so I need to control each LED.
Here is a list of what I will probably do:

  • Light the whole strip.
  • Make lights progress (I mean light each leds on one strip individually and one by one).
  • Blink effect.

EDIT: Maybe another solution is rather than connecting strips in different channels we can connect all strips together and control each LED to light some parts with code.

arvydas please look at the topic

In that case this tutorial should provide you with all the information you need. You would need a 5V external power supply. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

It is also possible to build a custom device for you based on your requirements with code samples and details on how to control each LED. If you would be interested, please contact me on info at blinkstick dot com to discuss details.