Blinkstick with Openelec 5.0

Oh… didn’t check that Openelec is slimmed down custom distro :smile: Ok, in that case it’s going to be interesting to implement BlinkStick support for it. I’m certain that it’s going to be more than just packaging BlinkStick Python package. I’m currently busy with a complete rewrite of BlinkStick Client application and I will look into Openelec once I have a beta release of Client application ready.

I have BlinkStick running as ambilight on my Kodibuntu installation flawlessly with the instructions I’ve written for my patched version of Boblight. I think this is what you should focus on.

The error message you are receiving is probably due to ATI drivers not being loaded or installed. Do you have ATI driver installed and working as expected?

If you could implement Blinkstick on Openelec it will be FANTASTIC.
I don’t know if I have ATI driver installed. I just have burn the kodibuntu x64 .img and make an install on my HTPC. The intallation works fine but at the end when I reboot I have this message error “kodi needs hardware accelerated opengl” and a black screen, I can’t do anything.
Maybe it will be better if I choose the 32bits version of Kodibuntu ?

Yes, trying a 32 bit version is a good place to start. I’ve had quite a few headaches with ATI drivers on Linux. One way to quickly access shell on Linux is with the Ctrl+Alt+F1 key combination. You can log in and run command line shell there to install additional ATI drivers:

I think you can try to install on the current 64 bit version of OS too:

If it’s too much trouble for you, I can set up an SSH tunnel where you could connect from the PC and I could install and set everything up for you. Send me a private message if you are interested.


I have solved my problem with Kodibuntu making a fresh install.

But now I have an other problem with samba. When I share a disk with permission to anyone I have access with my laptop on Win 7 but when I restart Kodibuntu I don’t still have the access with my laptop.
What’s wrong, any idea ?

This afternoon I will try to install blinkstick on Kodibuntu. I will know you if I succeed or not.

About the distro I prefer Openelec, it’s start more faster and no need any configuration for the graphic card or samba. So I will be waiting for your implementation of Blinkstick in Openelec.

Oncre again thinks for your help.

I have solved my samba problem too, like a big boy :smile:

Again I have a problem. I have install boblight following your instruction GitHub - arvydas/boblight
But when I want to start it I have a message error
Error device 1 : error opening device, error -3 libusb_error_access.
I try echo "SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“20a0”, ATTR{idProduct}==“41e5”, MODE:=“0666"” | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules but I always have the same error.

Please help me :smile:

  • Did you reboot after you added the rule?
  • What is the output of “cat /etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules” without quotes?
  • Try running boblightd with sudo. Do you get the same error?

That’s work ! It just need a reboot.
I test the autostart next week. I will let you know if it’s work.

Thanks for your help.

Like on my windows system I necessarily need to unplug and plug the blinkstick usb at every startup to make this command working : ./src/boblight - c ./conf/blinkstick.conf
Any idea to solve this issue ?

Concerning the automatically starting boblight I also have some problems

When I execute this command $sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/boblight I have this error chmod: permissions modifications of “/etc/init.d/bobligh”: operation denied
So I do it as root with sudo -i, the command seems to work but I haven’t any confirmation in terminal.

Next I want to add it to autostart with sudo update-rc.d boblight defaults but I have this messages
update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/boblight missing LSB information
System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/bobligh/ already exist

Next when I execute this command service boblight start I have a permission denied if I am not log at root with sudo -i. If I’m root it’s ok
For service boblight stop I have this error

  • Stopping boblight deamon boblight
    /sbin/start-stop-deamon: user ‘boblight’ not found [OK]

What can I do to make it work ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sorry about the delay in responding.

Would you be able to install Python pip package for BlinkStick via “sudo pip install blinkstick”? Then run a few commands and send me the output:

blinkstick --info

Run this command after you restarted your computer, but not having BlinkStick plugged out and back into USB port.

blinkstick --pulse red

That’s very strange, sudo command should provide you with permissions to modify. What is the output of the following command:

ls --full /etc/init.d/boblight

Do you have boblight installed via any package management system?

There is a missing step, you need to add boblightd user with this command:

useradd boblightd

Or you can replace the line in the /etc/init.d/boblight script:


with your user name instead of boblightd.

I’ll try to set up a kodibuntu virtual machine tonight and update the steps accordingly to ensure that everything works.

No output if I don’t plug and replug. After replug:

h2g2@Ubuntu-TEST:~$ blinkstick --info
Found device:
    Manufacturer:  Agile Innovative Ltd
    Description:   BlinkStick
    Serial:        BS001024-2.1
    Current Color: #000000
    Mode:          0
    Info Block 1:  BLINKSTICK
    Info Block 2: 

Again, nothing if I don’t unplug an replug. After replug pulse work but it’s not red it’s blue !?

Output :

  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1043 2015-02-18 18:00:01.286897367 +0100 /etc/init.d/boblight

I don’t think so, it’s a fresh basic install of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64

I have replace with my user name.

In terminal :

h2g2@Ubuntu-TEST:~$ service boblight start
 * Starting boblight daemon boblightd
 /sbin/start-stop-daemon: unable to open pidfile '$' for writing (Permission denied)

With sudo -i :

root@Ubuntu-TEST:~# service boblight start
 * Starting boblight daemon boblightd                        [OK]           
root@Ubuntu-TEST:~# service boblight status
 * boblightd is not running
root@Ubuntu-TEST:~# service boblight stop
 * Stopping boblight daemon boblightd                                    
No //$ found running; none killed.

Looking forward to your reply

Ok, we are getting somewhere :smiley:

First of all regarding the need to unplug and plug back in the device after you restart the computer. It’s been resolved in a 2.2 firmware update and your BlinkStick has 2.1. Could you please send me a private message here on the forum or an email to info at blinkstick dot com with your order number. I’ll send you a new chip with the updated firmware and the same serial number and your issue with having to unplug the device after reboot will be gone.

For the rest of the issues it would be best if you could wait until I properly test the setup instructions on Kodibuntu as I need a working system to find out what is not working and how the OS differs from the setup that I had when I was writing the guide.

Have you test the setup instructions on Kodibutnu to find out what is not working on my config ?

Haven’t had a chance to look at this yet. This is next task on my list :smiley:

Working on this now, will let you know when I have a tutorial ready today.

Do you have a tutorial ready for kodibuntu ?

Still working on it and should have today.

Great ! Thank you :smiley:

The guide is ready! The /etc/init.d/boblight script has been fixed which I suspect was the cause of your troubles. Please update it and follow the guide from there on to set up BlinkStick and Boblight.

Awesome!! I test it tomorrow…