Hi there,
just upgraded from a Blinkstick Flex to a Pro. I’m trying to address a total of 106 LEDs (WS2812b Strips).
64 of them are connected to the R Channel, and the rest (42) to the G Channel.
The LED Strips are connected to a Power Supply.
My Problem is, that nomatter what i do, the Blinkstick just uses the LED’s from Channel R.
If i set a Test-Notification in the Blinkstick Client (2.0-rc10), LEDs: 0 to 41, Channel: G it will use this Effect on the LEDs 1 to 42 on the R Channel.
I testet the B Channel aswell - no difference.
The LED Stripes are working, testet both on Channel R and no Probleme here.
In my own Tool that uses Blinkstick .NET Library, the Stick behaves the same.
// <param name="channel">Channel (0 - R, 1 - G, 2 - B)</param>
Device.SetColors(1, colors);
// Does not Set Colors on Channel one, instead it does it on Channel 0
Any Idea how to fix that?
Thanks for your help
Greetings Andreas