Blinkstick not recognized after Windows start

I´ve set BlinkStick Status to “Automatically start application when I log on to Windows”. But after a Windows start it cannot connect to BlinkStick automaticly. I always need to plug the device off and in again.

I have a similar problem with my NotifierLight. So it seems to depend on the devices or on some weird windows behavior regarding the USB port management.

Do you have any idea? Could it be solved with the new board design you were talking about?

Is it Square you are referring to?

Yes it is Square, sorry.

Can you do a very quick test and see if the same behavior happens when you connect Square via any USB hub?

The same bahavior on a USB monitor hub.

Is it just one Square you have or all of them behave the same way on your PC? Have you tried plugging it into a different PC to check if it behaves the same way?

At the moment I can see this behavior with 3 out of 8 devices. The PCs in our office are basicly the same. 2 devices are connected to the monitor hub, one to the PCs USB port directly. 2 PCs Win7, 1 PC with Win10.
It only happens in the morning after starting the PCs. After replug it works mostly for the whole day.

It is very weird, sorry… :-/

No need to apologize :smiley:

I’ll contact you directly to arrange a replacement.

Except one device I have lesser problems with your BlinkStick Status than with my NotifierLight. I think I have to tweak the connection method. Please let me know if you have the code on github :wink: