BlinkStick Microsoft Teams Status

Hey Team! I have built a pretty rough VB.NET (Visual Studio 2022 Community) example of how you can read your local Microsoft Teams status, and then display that on a BlinkStick Nano to use as a “busy light”. I’m working from home and my kids are homeschooled as well, so I needed to give them a way to see if daddy is in a meeting before busting into my office. Hope this helps someone else! Please leave a comment if you like.

I have posted my project out here:


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Hi Jason, very interesting project. I would like to do somewhat the same, indicate Teams status, but in C# .Net. Thank you for sharing your idea.
Best, Fabian

Does not seem to work anymore as there is no StatusIndicatorStateService in the log. Found old logs with it but newer logs does not show it.
I´ve also tried with tha current Teams version and also with Teams Classic.