BlinkStick in Node-Webkit v0.12.0 - Windows 32 bits 7


I am triing to make rune some sample in a small desktop app running in Node-Webkit V0.12.0.
It is supposed to bebased off of IO.js v1.2.0, Chromium 41.0.2272.76.

I get errors on HID.node (bad memory location).

I tried to use : HID_0.3.2-patched.node without anysuccess

Any help would be appreciated,



I just triend to run a sample in Node-Webkit v0.8.6 (windows 64 bits) and got this with the patched HID.node

Uncaught Error: Symbol HID_module not found.

I got one sample running directory in node.js (with the patched HID.node on windows 32) but i would really need to get it working in the Node-webkit.
I tried in linux VM , this seems to be the same :confused:

I got it running on Windows too. This guide is more of a hack, so if you have version later than BlinkStick 1.1.1 for Node.js, it may not be necessary as I’m planning on embedding this to the package.

  • Download and install Node.js 0.12.0 (32bit)
  • Download and extract NW.js 0.12.0 (32bit)

Install BlinkStick Node 1.1.1 package via npm:

npm install blinkstick

Replace the file at node_modules\blinkstick\platform\windows\HID.node with the one in this archive (86.8 KB)

Create the same index.html and package.json as described in this post. Finally run the nw.exe with the path to the folder where you have created those two files.

Hope this helps!

Thank you :slight_smile: I can go ahead now.