BlinkStick AmbiLight - A real AmbiLight for Flex and Pro

Low framerate: Tool only
Stuttering: Whole desktop

Stuttering also happens with Blinkstick client. Its subtle so most people probably wont even notice it. My eyes are made of something that sees every single annoyance there is :cry:
Easiest way to measure stutter would be an online frame skipping test that also detects stuttering. UFO frame skipping test is good for this.

Hey, thanks much for testing it.

I did a test this morning with
A 6 UFO test and a frame skipping test does not show any problems. I have a permanent frame rate of 60.

But I will take a look at it again… Maybe it depends on the aspect ratio.

In fact that I do not see any problem at the moment it is a bit fishing in the dark.
Please be so kind and try to replace the .exe again:

Let me know if something has changed.

No change to stuttering. Just brings back the aspect ratio issue. I will test everything with another pc later.

Jup sorry, tested around a bit with everthing and have killed the aspect ratio fix … :frowning:

Edit: I´ve recognized a frameskip on one machine now. It is not the most ugly but it is present…

Fixed the aspect ratio again and changed a few screws. (v
Another test shows that the the Frame Skipper Test also shows frameskip without running the ambilight tool.
I´ve also tested a few games with a FPS viewer and there is no change if running with BSAL or without.

But the tool is not final. Maybe SlimDX is not the right way and in the end even DirectX is not…

More tests using the newest version:

Edit: My screen refresh rate is 76hz. I made sure all applications run at steady 76fps in normal conditions.

Open ambilight-> desktop stutters, framerate constantly fluctuates between 69-76fps.
Open ambilight -> Open game -> Stutter, framerate fluctuates between 72-76fps.
Open game -> Open ambilight -> No stutter!, steady 76fps when applications are opened in this order.
Desktop, browser, etc. are allways stuttering with fps fluctuating between 69-76.

Edit2: Actually most games dont seem to be affected by stutter at all. Youtube and local video plays with a steady fps. Problem seems to be limited mostly to desktop. i jumped the gun on this one, sorry about that.

Is the source code for your AmbiLight application available?

I´ve uploaded the last sources to github today. Not optimized and not well commented but feel free to take a look at it:

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Awesome! Thank you very much.

Hmm, as for me i can not even seem to open the software, it will open as a process and end after 1-2 seconds running.
Very strange.

Hey Arno,

somehow nothing works for you :cry:

Could you please unzip the following file and copy it to the BilnStickAmbiLight main folder:

Start BSAL then and see if a .log file will be written to the main folder. Tell me if you can find something useful in it.

All i get from the log is

2017-01-31 15:27:09,106 [1] INFO BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - Starting BlinkStick Ambilight v.
2017-01-31 15:27:09,961 [1] DEBUG BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - GetFeature failed.
2017-01-31 15:27:10,062 [1] DEBUG BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - GetFeature failed.

But in all honestly it’s not such a big a deal if this does not work and no need to investigate it till the end!
the only small problem is that ever since i tested this my previous Blinkstick Client has stopped working correctly, as a matter of fact i can’t get a single color out of it, everything is a low brightness red and doesn’t last longer then a second now :frowning:

See my entry here:

Maybe this could be your problem.

I really want to investigate, I´ve developed it for usage :smile:
But I think it can only work for adressable LEDs and it always needs at least mode 2. I should add some more infos to the specs.

Alright will check it out thank you for the quick response! Really appreciate it!

Hey Arno,
me again.

I think there is a problem with DirectX at your system. Arvys BlinkStick Client and also my BlinkStickAmbiLight using DirectX for calculating the average colors of the screen regions. So you could run DXDiag and check if there is something wrong or which version of DirectX you´ve installed.
I´ve also build a temporary version of the BSAL:
This version should write some more information into the logfile (if the problem is DirectX) and it does not change the mode of your device.
Just replace the .exe in the BSAL main folder.
Well, it will not make the BSAL work for you withoit addressable LEDs but it could help for the general problem you seem to have with Ambilights based on DirectX.

Try it only if you like.

I just tested it and i do get a DirectX related error now it seems

2017-02-02 13:28:34,654 [1] INFO BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - Starting BlinkStick Ambilight v.
2017-02-02 13:28:35,578 [1] DEBUG BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - GetFeature failed.
2017-02-02 13:28:35,680 [1] DEBUG BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - GetFeature failed.
2017-02-02 13:28:35,785 [1] DEBUG BlinkStickAmbiLight.MainForm [(null)] - [DirectX GetScreenImage] - D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)

I’m assuming i would have to update my DirectX then, but what version should i update?
Also, might this be the problem i cannot get the newest client to work?

Thanks for your time by the way!

P.S.: I might make a small post regarding a few questions i have about those addressable leds.

I would recommend DirectX 12, regarding to your system.
You can check your currently installed DX with Run -> DXDiag

Well my DXDiag says i’m currently running DirectX 12.

Hmmm… can you tell me how many screens and what screen resolution your using?

I’m using 2 monitors, a 1080p, 60hz monitor (secondary) and a 1440p, 60hz monitor as my main monitor.