since client cr5 my blinkstick 1.1 led stays on light purple/pink,is this a new feture kind of like an online status notification? or is it a bug?
Also is blinkstick 1.1 suposed to react to the patterns that are played in the patterns section,when i press play on any patterns it doesnt work,it flashes on the client picture of blinkstick but not on my actual blinkstick1.1,i dont understand why the function is there but doesnt play live on blinkstick.
First of all:
I cannot reproduce any problem with the BlinkStick Client rc5 at the moment. The BS 1.1 works well. I would recommend to delete all your notifications etc. and try it again.
Regarding to your pattern inquiry: This part of the client is for building the patterns independent from the device. To test it live you can use the “Test” notification.
@p0ke has pretty much nailed it with the explanation
@dunkyoung25 The fact that the LED stays with a faint color could be related to animation playback issue. If you could let me know a pattern configuration that reproduces this it would be very helpful.
@arvydas well the only pattern ime using is the police pattern,and its used with gmail notification! while ive got you on is the default eeprom hex file in the firmware left out for a reason? realy want to get eeprom to program too?
could it be a general issue we currently have on a Win10 when directly connected to a USB port (no hub)?
I had a similar situation once.
Hi @p0ke ime windows 7,the issue has gone now,it seems when you do more than the 3 patterns,or extend the patterns there allready,i copy the police pattern but made it twice as long example red blue black is standard,i did red blue black red blue black,used the same timings etc but for some reason leaves the stick led on low after?strange because the last color is black wich should be off.whats the data input box used for,max 32 symbols,
Hi,the issue with led staying on after it flashes pattern has gone but it now does a sneaky white flash at the end of the pattern,only does this on patterns that are copy and slightly changed,it shouldnt realy do this from what i understand,Oh have you ever used osh park for pcb production,ime having 3 blinksticks made for about £2,and there purple in color,they should look realy nice,limited addition lol ive left the company name on as to not take anything away from the desighner.
@dunkyoung25 Please download the latest RC6 release as that hopefully sort out your issue.
I usually order boards in thousands and panelize them for my pick and place machine
@arvdas Oh pick and place machine! verry fancy i bet you have big reflow ovens too,i have i tiny reflow oven with a\ slide draw,it does the job for one or two pieces also ive a hot air reflow station and a nice soldering iron,thats about it for my workshop/production line
ime the pick and place machine for my setup lol,ile download the rc6 client and see whats what,thanks @arvydas
@arvydas still got the led flashing white at the end of patterns,could it be that i reinstalled the pro firmware at some point with the firmware from github,maybe the firmware you put on original maybe chaged slightly debugged better,as my clones do the same,just a thought,as ime the only one with the issue i think?
@arvydas have you heard of these leds “WS2852” are they new and what features are diffarent,i read somthing about Built-in signal reshaping circuit,is that what they all have or is this a new feture?
@arvydas what are the caps for on the blinkstick boards,i know a little bit about smoothing caps and decopling caps but why two? and wich does what? i did see a differance in using them on my blinkstick breadboard,i built a blinkstick circuit on bread board and left them off thinking they wasnt that inportant,and for a few days my circuit didnt work properly,on off on off etc, i was realy stressed,then the penny droped doh then added a cap and da da it worked flawlesly and i then leaned what the caps did,i only use one 10uf and that seems ok,so just wanted to know why two on the blinkstick,the yellow one ime interested in and whats it called and what does that do? I take it the bigge cap keeps the voltage stable acts like a buffer,so to speek,is the other for noise?
@dunkyoung25 they work as filters for voltage. One is for high and the other one is for low frequencies.
@arvydas Hi pal,can you take a look at this error for me ime trying to compile a bootloader for a project,its a bootloader for loading hex to avr chips but i cant get it to compile,your pretty clued up with this kind of stuff,cheers
@dunkyoung25 sorry, but this is a bit off topic You are better off posting this to an Arduino forum where you are more likely to find somebody knowing a bit more about your issues.