1 out of 8 LED shows weird behavior

Hey Arvy,
I´ve unpacked already 10 out of 12 devices and tested them. They are just great :).
But one Square (one LED of it) shows a strange behavior after operating it one or two minutes . I´ve tested it with your BlinkStick Status.
Blue: Every of the 8 LEDs lights blue
Green: 7 LEDs green but one is blinking green
Yellow: 7 LEDs yellow but one is red
Red: Everything seems to be normal
I think we´ve got one broken device here. Is it a known behavior, maybe a production error or so?

This is very likely a problem with a device. Is this the one with the enclosure? I can send you a replacement. Just got a new batch manufactured with improved design. Hopefully this will sort out other issues you were having.

Hey arvy, thanks for offering the replacement. Just let me check the last 2 devices. I will give you feedback again.

Hey Arvy,

first of all: Every device have an enclosure. You´ve send me 2 devices for private purposes and later I´ve ordered 10 for the company. It seems that the first 2 devices have the problems. But I cannot differ it anymore, they all look the same :smile: .

One have the problem as described above, the second one hangs permanently (seems to depend on it´s temperature or so). The other 10 devices working well (at present).

What excactly have you changed with the design?

Doh… my reply speed is horrible. Sorry about that. I’ve redesigned the board to include additional capacitor. It should make BlinkStick a lot more stable. Would really like to send you replacements as they should be a lot better. Can you let me know your address?

Please see my private message :slight_smile: