Unable to connect to BlinkStick Client


I am trying to control a BlinkStick Pro using the Client app. However, I have been unsuccessful to date. I BELIEVE that my BlinkStick connects to Windows successfully. Using the command line, I have been able to gather the following info on the device.

BlinkStick CLI version
Copyright © Agile Innovative Ltd 2013-2014

Device !?ZK opened successfully
Device color: #000000
Serial: !?ZK
Manufacturer: Agile Innovative Ltd
Product Name: BlinkStick
Mode: 0
Info block2:

I am getting a weird set of characters under the serial field. Could this be the issue?

Any and all help is much appreciated! Thanks.

Welcome to the forums Pawel!

Have you soldered your BlinkStick Pro by yourself? It looks like the firmeware is broken somehow.
Was it possible to establish a connection to the BS before?

Thanks p0ke!

I purchased 2 kits.

  1. BS Pro LED Adapter Bundle
    – I initially used the BS Pro from the LED Adapter Bundle. However, without the LED adapter board connected to it. This is the BS Pro that is giving me trouble. I was never able to establish a connection using the BS client. I downloaded the command line tool and was able to gather the data in my original post.

  2. BS Pro Presoldered
    – This morning I tried the BS Pro Presoldered and it connects to the BS Client and I see a serial number.

Hmmm… normally all devices will be tested before packed.
The strange serial number means that the EPROM gets confused. This could happen due to a temporary short circuit or when plugging the LED adapter in while the BlinkStick is connected to USB.

You can try to flash the firmware to the attiny85 again.